Tag: Stress

Suicide Prevention: Risks, Warnings, and Protective Factors

September 26, 2023
September is Suicide Prevention Month, so let’s take this time to pay special attention and foster awareness of this serious social issue. The American Psychiatric Association and the Suicide Prevention...

How to boost your immune system

January 31, 2023
As winter is upon us, avoiding seasonal illnesses like the flu and colds can be helped by overall good health, and reduced stress.

Eating Well for Mental Health

December 13, 2022
This is an abridged version of the article originally published at sutterhealth.org. To see the full article, follow the link.(source) To boost your mental health, focus on eating plenty of...

Is an Infrared Sauna Better Than a Traditional Sauna?

November 28, 2022
A good sweat session is often associated with intense exercise like running, cycling, or strength training, but you can also warm things up while relaxing and rejuvenating in an infrared...

Behavioral Science: 5 Reasons That Psychology Matters

October 20, 2022
When it comes to psychology education, a lot has changed since 1994. Having been immersed in the field of behavioral science since that time, I've come to see an increasing need...

When Spiritual Crises Show Up in the Mental Health System

February 17, 2022
The biggest regret I had was talking to my family and mainstream medical practitioners who weren’t informed about my experiences.

Children’s Mental Health and the Pandemic

December 30, 2021
We have all changed because of the pandemic. Our children are no exception. Posted December 23, 2021 |  By: David Scharff M.D. KEY POINTS Children living through the pandemic are experiencing mental...

Beneath the Skin: The Problems Chronic Stress Can Cause

December 21, 2021
From occupational stress to mental illness. Posted December 11, 2021 |  By: Odessa S. Hamilton MSc, MBPsS, FRSPH KEY POINTS Source: Featured Image by Luis Villasmil | Unsplash Non-existent work-life balance. Difficult...

Facing Down a Mental Health Crisis

November 3, 2021
Clinicians and community leaders need to move quickly to aid those in need. Posted January 15, 2021 | By Arthur C. Evans Jr. and Gary Belkin The pandemic is ravaging our mental...

What Mindfulness Can (and Can’t) Do for Us

September 21, 2021
Mindfulness is great, but not a one-size-fits-all solution to life’s problems. Posted December 3, 2020 | By: Jade Wu Ph.D. Recently, an acquaintance of mine got into mindfulness meditation and is now spreading the...